Challenge: Phone Letters
Previously, people typed words on a phone by pressing combinations of numbers. Each number mapped to a few different possible letters, as shown below.
In this task, you will write a generator that accepts a @ud
number and returns a (list tape)
containing all the different strings that it could represent.
- Note that
do not map to any letters in the phonepad. Let's crash if the input@ud
contains any1
. - Let's return the list of strings sorted in alphabetical order, all in lowercase.
Recall that @ud
numbers need a dot marking every three digit places if the number is higher than 999
, i.e. 234.567.892
is 234,567,892
Example usage:
> +phone-letters 29<<"aw" "ax" "ay" "az" "bw" "bx" "by" "bz" "cw" "cx" "cy" "cz">>
These solutions were submitted by the Urbit community as part of a competition in ~2024.8. They are made available under the MIT License and CC0. We ask you to acknowledge authorship should you utilize these elsewhere.
Solution #1
Our style winner, a clean and well-commented solution by ~norweg-rivlex.
:: phone-letters.hoon:: convert a positive integer into a list of the possible:: phone number mnemonics::|= n=@ud^- (list tape):::: mapping from phone number digits to the letters that:: may be used for it, which letters are in alphabetic:: order=/ digit-letters %- my :~['2' "abc"]['3' "def"]['4' "ghi"]['5' "jkl"]['6' "mno"]['7' "pqrs"]['8' "tuv"]['9' "wxyz"]==:::: get the letters for the passed digit, or die if:: none such exist=/ letters-for-digit|= [digit=@t]^- tape(need (~(get by digit-letters) digit)):::: for a list of incomplete mnemonics, being constructed:: from end to start, for a passed digit, result in a:: new list with the new letters prepended in order=/ prepend-all-for-digit|= [digit=@t values=(list tape)]^- (list tape)?: =(digit '.') values=/ letters (flop (letters-for-digit digit))=| result=(list tape)|-^- (list tape)?~ letters result%= $letters t.lettersresult (weld (turn values |=(item=tape [i.letters item])) result)==:::: digits of the passed number in reverse order=/ digits=tape (flop "{<n>}"):::: building the result=| result=(list tape):::: main loop - get each digit in reverse order, and:: build the list of results by adding the possible:: letters in turn|-?~ digits result=/ next?~ result (turn (letters-for-digit i.digits) |=(d=@t ~[d]))(prepend-all-for-digit i.digits result)%= $digits t.digitsresult next==
Solution #2
The speed winner by ~diblud-ricbet.
:: phone-letters.hoon:: Convert a @ud entry into an old-school T9 keyboard into a list of possible tapes.::|= n=@ud^- (list tape)?< =(n 0)=/ char-map%- malt:~[2 `(list tape)`~["a" "b" "c"]][3 `(list tape)`~["d" "e" "f"]][4 `(list tape)`~["g" "h" "i"]][5 `(list tape)`~["j" "k" "l"]][6 `(list tape)`~["m" "n" "o"]][7 `(list tape)`~["p" "q" "r" "s"]][8 `(list tape)`~["t" "u" "v"]][9 `(list tape)`~["w" "x" "y" "z"]]===/ output `(list tape)`~|-?: =(n 0)(sort output aor)%= $n (div n 10)output?~ output(~(got by char-map) (mod n 10))%- zing%+ turn output|= existing=tape%+ turn (~(got by char-map) (mod n 10))|= letter=tape%+ weld letter existing==
Unit Tests
Following a principle of test-driven development, the unit tests below allow us to check for expected behavior. To run the tests yourself, follow the instructions in the Unit Tests section.
/+ *test/= phone-letters /gen/phone-letters|%:: tests for success::++ test-01%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["a" "b" "c"]!> %- phone-letters 2++ test-02%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["d" "e" "f"]!> %- phone-letters 3++ test-03%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["g" "h" "i"]!> %- phone-letters 4++ test-04%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["j" "k" "l"]!> %- phone-letters 5++ test-05%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["m" "n" "o"]!> %- phone-letters 6++ test-06%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["p" "q" "r" "s"]!> %- phone-letters 7++ test-07%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["t" "u" "v"]!> %- phone-letters 8++ test-08%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["w" "x" "y" "z"]!> %- phone-letters 9++ test-09%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["aw" "ax" "ay" "az" "bw" "bx" "by" "bz" "cw" "cx" "cy" "cz"]!> %- phone-letters 29++ test-10%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["dj" "dk" "dl" "ej" "ek" "el" "fj" "fk" "fl"]!> %- phone-letters 35++ test-11%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["pg" "ph" "pi" "qg" "qh" "qi" "rg" "rh" "ri" "sg" "sh" "si"]!> %- phone-letters 74++ test-12%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["aga" "agb" "agc" "aha" "ahb" "ahc" "aia" "aib" "aic" "bga" "bgb" "bgc" "bha" "bhb" "bhc" "bia" "bib" "bic" "cga" "cgb" "cgc" "cha" "chb" "chc" "cia" "cib" "cic"]!> %- phone-letters 242++ test-13%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["amw" "amx" "amy" "amz" "anw" "anx" "any" "anz" "aow" "aox" "aoy" "aoz" "bmw" "bmx" "bmy" "bmz" "bnw" "bnx" "bny" "bnz" "bow" "box" "boy" "boz" "cmw" "cmx" "cmy" "cmz" "cnw" "cnx" "cny" "cnz" "cow" "cox" "coy" "coz"]!> %- phone-letters 269++ test-14%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["tta" "ttb" "ttc" "tua" "tub" "tuc" "tva" "tvb" "tvc" "uta" "utb" "utc" "uua" "uub" "uuc" "uva" "uvb" "uvc" "vta" "vtb" "vtc" "vua" "vub" "vuc" "vva" "vvb" "vvc"]!> %- phone-letters 882++ test-15%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["pdm" "pdn" "pdo" "pem" "pen" "peo" "pfm" "pfn" "pfo" "qdm" "qdn" "qdo" "qem" "qen" "qeo" "qfm" "qfn" "qfo" "rdm" "rdn" "rdo" "rem" "ren" "reo" "rfm" "rfn" "rfo" "sdm" "sdn" "sdo" "sem" "sen" "seo" "sfm" "sfn" "sfo"]!> %- phone-letters 736++ test-16%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["jtdg" "jtdh" "jtdi" "jteg" "jteh" "jtei" "jtfg" "jtfh" "jtfi" "judg" "judh" "judi" "jueg" "jueh" "juei" "jufg" "jufh" "jufi" "jvdg" "jvdh" "jvdi" "jveg" "jveh" "jvei" "jvfg" "jvfh" "jvfi" "ktdg" "ktdh" "ktdi" "kteg" "kteh" "ktei" "ktfg" "ktfh" "ktfi" "kudg" "kudh" "kudi" "kueg" "kueh" "kuei" "kufg" "kufh" "kufi" "kvdg" "kvdh" "kvdi" "kveg" "kveh" "kvei" "kvfg" "kvfh" "kvfi" "ltdg" "ltdh" "ltdi" "lteg" "lteh" "ltei" "ltfg" "ltfh" "ltfi" "ludg" "ludh" "ludi" "lueg" "lueh" "luei" "lufg" "lufh" "lufi" "lvdg" "lvdh" "lvdi" "lveg" "lveh" "lvei" "lvfg" "lvfh" "lvfi"]!> %- phone-letters 5.834++ test-17%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["jjdd" "jjde" "jjdf" "jjed" "jjee" "jjef" "jjfd" "jjfe" "jjff" "jkdd" "jkde" "jkdf" "jked" "jkee" "jkef" "jkfd" "jkfe" "jkff" "jldd" "jlde" "jldf" "jled" "jlee" "jlef" "jlfd" "jlfe" "jlff" "kjdd" "kjde" "kjdf" "kjed" "kjee" "kjef" "kjfd" "kjfe" "kjff" "kkdd" "kkde" "kkdf" "kked" "kkee" "kkef" "kkfd" "kkfe" "kkff" "kldd" "klde" "kldf" "kled" "klee" "klef" "klfd" "klfe" "klff" "ljdd" "ljde" "ljdf" "ljed" "ljee" "ljef" "ljfd" "ljfe" "ljff" "lkdd" "lkde" "lkdf" "lked" "lkee" "lkef" "lkfd" "lkfe" "lkff" "lldd" "llde" "lldf" "lled" "llee" "llef" "llfd" "llfe" "llff"]!> %- phone-letters 5.533++ test-18%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["jggp" "jggq" "jggr" "jggs" "jghp" "jghq" "jghr" "jghs" "jgip" "jgiq" "jgir" "jgis" "jhgp" "jhgq" "jhgr" "jhgs" "jhhp" "jhhq" "jhhr" "jhhs" "jhip" "jhiq" "jhir" "jhis" "jigp" "jigq" "jigr" "jigs" "jihp" "jihq" "jihr" "jihs" "jiip" "jiiq" "jiir" "jiis" "kggp" "kggq" "kggr" "kggs" "kghp" "kghq" "kghr" "kghs" "kgip" "kgiq" "kgir" "kgis" "khgp" "khgq" "khgr" "khgs" "khhp" "khhq" "khhr" "khhs" "khip" "khiq" "khir" "khis" "kigp" "kigq" "kigr" "kigs" "kihp" "kihq" "kihr" "kihs" "kiip" "kiiq" "kiir" "kiis" "lggp" "lggq" "lggr" "lggs" "lghp" "lghq" "lghr" "lghs" "lgip" "lgiq" "lgir" "lgis" "lhgp" "lhgq" "lhgr" "lhgs" "lhhp" "lhhq" "lhhr" "lhhs" "lhip" "lhiq" "lhir" "lhis" "ligp" "ligq" "ligr" "ligs" "lihp" "lihq" "lihr" "lihs" "liip" "liiq" "liir" "liis"]!> %- phone-letters 5.447++ test-19%+ expect-eq!> `(list tape)`~["gwad" "gwae" "gwaf" "gwbd" "gwbe" "gwbf" "gwcd" "gwce" "gwcf" "gxad" "gxae" "gxaf" "gxbd" "gxbe" "gxbf" "gxcd" "gxce" "gxcf" "gyad" "gyae" "gyaf" "gybd" "gybe" "gybf" "gycd" "gyce" "gycf" "gzad" "gzae" "gzaf" "gzbd" "gzbe" "gzbf" "gzcd" "gzce" "gzcf" "hwad" "hwae" "hwaf" "hwbd" "hwbe" "hwbf" "hwcd" "hwce" "hwcf" "hxad" "hxae" "hxaf" "hxbd" "hxbe" "hxbf" "hxcd" "hxce" "hxcf" "hyad" "hyae" "hyaf" "hybd" "hybe" "hybf" "hycd" "hyce" "hycf" "hzad" "hzae" "hzaf" "hzbd" "hzbe" "hzbf" "hzcd" "hzce" "hzcf" "iwad" "iwae" "iwaf" "iwbd" "iwbe" "iwbf" "iwcd" "iwce" "iwcf" "ixad" "ixae" "ixaf" "ixbd" "ixbe" "ixbf" "ixcd" "ixce" "ixcf" "iyad" "iyae" "iyaf" "iybd" "iybe" "iybf" "iycd" "iyce" "iycf" "izad" "izae" "izaf" "izbd" "izbe" "izbf" "izcd" "izce" "izcf"]!> %- phone-letters 4.923:: tests for failure::++ test-20%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 0)++ test-21%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 1)++ test-22%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 12)++ test-23%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 13)++ test-24%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 14)++ test-25%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 15)++ test-26%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 16)++ test-27%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 17)++ test-28%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 18)++ test-29%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 19)++ test-30%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 20)++ test-31%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 21)++ test-32%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 5.814)++ test-33%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 5.804)++ test-34%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 53.204)++ test-35%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 12.345)++ test-36%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 59.491)++ test-37%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 87.650)++ test-38%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 87.651)++ test-39%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 81.123)++ test-40%- expect-fail|. (phone-letters 10.000)--